Local 829 Logo

United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829, IATSE, is a labor union and professional association of Designers, Artists, Craftspeople, and Department Coordinators, organized to protect craft standards, working conditions and wages for the entertainment and decorative arts industries. The members of Local USA 829 work in film, theatre, opera, ballet, television, industrial shows, commercials and exhibitions. The current active membership totals over 5,000. For a full category breakdown, please see the Categories & Crafts.

United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829, is a national organization maintaining business offices in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The business of the Local is conducted by National Business Agent, and their staff, out of the main office in New York City and two Regional Business Representatives in Chicago (Central Region) and Los Angeles county (Western Region). In addition to the New York staff, the Eastern Region also has Business Representatives in Boston and Washington, DC.

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