Local 755 Logo

Formed in 1928 just prior to the Great Depression, Local 755 partnered with the motion picture industry and garnered unparalleled artistry and inventiveness to create realism and fantasy for film. Our expertise in model making, mold-making, plastering and sculpting and undeniable professionalism allowed our organization to form the new union that later became part of the Operating Plasterers & Cement Masons International Association (OPCMIA).

Local 755 members quickly set the standard of quality craftsmanship and artistry as they provided services to Hollywood’s most successful box office and television hits. Since their early days, Local 755 journeymen evolved their crafts with modern technologies to provide the best possible service to their employers. This evolution of the craft is continually passed down to apprentices who will eventually become the journeymen of tomorrow. No other organization can claim this master craftsmanship, and success of the members of Local 755.

There are over 300 Plasterers, Sculptors and Shop Hands within Local 755 who provide a continual work force for the demands of today’s movie and TV production.

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