Local 884 Logo

We are highly certified and have earned dual California teaching credentials. We possess a wide range of teaching abilities and are experienced in the supervision and enforcement of child labor laws.  We receive in-service training and attend workshops for this specialized work. We are experts in anticipating difficulties and avoiding problems, and, while our primary objective is the education and welfare of the children, we also work with companies to advise and protect. We partner together with the Department of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE), producers, and parents to see that laws are enforced for the benefit of the children. We are proud to have been the pioneers in this evolving program and continually work toward protecting the health, safety, and morals of all minors working in the entertainment industry. 

Group AI Query Instructions:

Enter your search query below, and our AI will search only within this group.

Ask your question in a normal, conversational way. Click on the Submit button below to submit.

Type new to clear the chat and begin a new conversation. Do not hit the "enter" key, only click Submit.


Use the AIQuery menu link to search across multiple groups simultaneously, such as DGA, SAG-AFTRA, WGA.